Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Video Image Manipulation a Shutter Thought for Editorials or Journalism!

The Criminal code and other Canadian legislation are quite specific "Everyone commits an offence who uses or transfers (republishes) the possession of, sends, or delivers to any person or place, transports transmit, (articles) alters, disposes of any property is guilty of a criminal offence?

Today anyone can make a video from pictures of you that are floating around on the internet and put it stories in a seemingly compromising position for illegal gain, character assassination and breaking news stories between feuding political views.

There are many tools like www.ezvid.com/,  iMovie (www.apple.com/ilife/imovie/), photoshop and using special effects for motion like the Ken Burns with Fotomagico by Boinx. or others for making a series of staged videos or pictures that would appear to be you doing anything that might come to the dealers or journalists minds.

Until this phantom unverified video, currently being ransomed for a drug dealer’s profit and a sleazy gossip blog site has been forensically photo analyzed by an appropriate law enforcement agency the editorial board of the Toronto Star, their two reporters along with the entire world of public opinion Do NOT know if the video or photo is authentic or a doctored ruse.

No media corporation including the Toronto Star has the legal, moral or ethical rights to publish stories or editorials based on a phantom unverified video, currently being ransomed for drug dealers' profit and a sleazy gossip blog site that has NOT been verified and forensically photo analyzed by an appropriate law enforcement agency.

Media corporations that decide to take it upon themselves to be the police, judge, and jury then pronounce sentencing based on a staged cell phone video that is legally unverifiable and being ransomed for millions of dollars to the highest bidder by self-confessed Toronto Somali drug dealers’ needs to be reigned-in and investigated. 

These so-called journalists, reporters along with their media bosses know that what they are doing is reckless and shows no respect for the public, or readers in general.  It has become more than obvious of late to all Canadians as elsewhere that ethics within the print media, in general, today is a nicety that their financial bottom line cannot afford and thus does not support.

For close to two months this media organization, after being contacted by these self-confessed scumbags, neither informed the authorities (police) nor had the ethics to first seek confirmation and substantiate or verify such political character assassination attempts for money.

Why since May 3, 2013, or prior did the Toronto Star’s media corporation NOT make any attempts to privately confront the Mayor about such public defamatory allegations or the police about the illegal video for-profit scam?

Here are questions that must be answered by these reports and their employers!

1. For how long and how intimate have these two reporters known these self-proclaimed dealers and their sources?

2. Has either of these two reporters ever smoked crack cocaine?

 3. Has either of these two reporters ever bought crack cocaine or other illegal drugs? 

4. Did the Star or these two reporters pay to see the staged video or at any time purchase drugs from their sources?

5. Was either of these two reporters the anonymous voice on the staged cell phone video asking the questions? 

6. Did either of these two reports participate in any way in the making of this phantom cell phone video? 

7. Did any Toronto Star reporter, journalist or employee participate in any way in the making of this unverified video or attempt to entrap the Mayor to create a story for enhancing circulation and sales? 

8. Did these two reporters at any time prior to the release of their story advise the police about their ongoing contacts with these or other drug dealers in Toronto?

It is apparent to this individual at least that the Toronto Star has had a political axe to grind with this Mayor since his election as Mayor.

With this latest story from the Star about the Mayor it is my opinion that the Toronto Star media corporation has not ensured that this video and related unverifiable information from such dubious sources whose motives are in question have not been grounded in fact and have in no way been verified independently by the journalist as stated in their own Section 1: Ethics and Excellence: or Accuracy and Corrections or Fair Play and Payments to Sources.

The reality of this ongoing story rests with the very questionable and dubious sources and motives for monetary gain at the direct expense of the mayor's public person and his political reputation.

For the Star’s editorial to be stating “Time to go, Mr. Mayor “ before their own reporters have themselves answered some very pointed questions relating to their own involvement in this unverifiable staged cell phone video does not itself in any way meet an editorial or journalistic smell test.  

With that in mind to me, it is obvious that once again the Star media corporation has backed a muckraking article and rushed to judgment based on their frenzy mob rule reporting by pronouncing by reference that the Mayor must be guilty and sentenced by the media to resign from a political public office before the Mayor has had the right to a legal trial based on permitted and factual allowable evidence in our courts of law?

Do editorial ethics even exist at the Toronto Star or are they just words on paper?

Apparently NOT according to Rosie DiManno's printed statement," Ethics Shmethics" that sums up for her and her employer! 
Media corporations and their employees are NOT above the law!  

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