Saturday, August 31, 2013

Syria Represents the Unknown of Known or the Known of Unknown

If Sarin gas was used by either the government forces or the army deserters and rebels there is also evidence as reported by the UK news, Independent that the Government let British company export nerve gas chemicals to Syria! ...

Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, a 'call to action', appears to have been based solely on the USA version for a 
new world order of might is right?

Syria a sovereign country has been in a civil war going on nearly three years and for anyone to assume that it is only the leader of the Syrian government and its forces that continues to solely have access to chemical weapons in such a war-torn country is asinine or blind to the realities of war.

Any fool can start a fight but it takes a statesman to negotiate a peaceful solution to a conflict.

Syria is NOT a threat to the people of the USA nor is it a national security issue. 

Without a declaration of war by the United States senate and congress an attack against Syria by the USA ordered by the President of the USA would not be legal by its' own constitution, its own laws or those of the world court.

This so-called Syrian opposition is made up of armed forces deserters, Syrian exile members of the de facto groups like the SNC (Syrian national council), FSA(free Syrian army) and non-Syrian fanatic extremists for a free Palestine along with the Muslim brotherhood for Sharia law and all are doing battle against the Assad regime and the Syrian people.

A fraudulent unelected group of individuals, mainly from foreign countries, who call themselves the Syrian National Council claiming to be the opposition forces for the protection of the unarmed citizens of Syria and its resources. 

Under a 
banner of the SNC or FSA these opposition forces, for the protection of the unarmed citizens of Syria and its resources as they previously stated, have been and continue to kill innocent woman, children, youth and the elderly all of whom are Syrian people?

They continuing bombings in Damascus and throughout Syria, that have the finger
print tactics used by al- Qaeda, fundamentalist Sunni Muslim terrorist groups and others from throughout the region in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Jordan, by these heavily armed opposition forces comprised of rebels, insurgents, army deserters and terrorists can attest to the Syrian government’s claim that Syria is fighting Islamist militants steered from abroad!

How can Canada, the USA and other western powers support such radical extremists and fanatical religious non elected but self anointed individuals and armed forces deserters and terrorists who call themselves the opposition and then
proceed to intentionally detonate 10 kilos of highly flammable explosives in the centre of Damascus next to a primary school, shops and a mosque?

I cannot understand how a fraudulent unelected group of individuals, mainly from foreign countries, under a banner of the SNC or FSA the opposition forces who call themselves the Syrian National Council and claim to be the opposition forces for the protection of the unarmed citizens of Syria and its resources themselves continue to kill innocent woman, children, youth and the elderly all fellow Syrians?

These groups claim they do not have chemical weapons and it's only the government forces! 

If one believes that then one believes in the tooth fairy.

They call the government of Syria uncivilized yet it was the government of the USA that used napalm and Agent Orange in Vietnam and used depleted uranium and white phosphorus in Fallujah, Iraq and not to be outdone, Britain firebombed Dresden and other German cities in WW2 and the USA dropped nuclear bombs twice on Japan!

You be the judge on this proposed illegal limited and narrow bombing by the USA on yet another sovereign country by the President of the USA in assisting the so-called Arab Spring uprisings!


Russia asks Turkey for info on sarin terrorists
America's President Says He Is Prepared to Order Military Action, but Wants Support First From Lawmakers
           Syrian rebels jail and torture American photographer! They are no better than the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and more barbaric in my opinion.


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